Two young people in a workshop, one wearing a cap looking down at some paper

Lessons learned and to be learned

Maria Pia ArriolaDHA

Most of us working in communications may feel pressure and adrenaline when a deadline approaches. In my first months as Communications Assistant with DHA, I have come across some useful techniques and habits to help optimise use of resources, save valuable time and reach communication goals effectively – all while reducing the inevitable stress of a busy work environment. Fluid …

We’re hiring again!

Jon FlinnDHA

We’re looking for two new people to join us – a Global Programmes Manager to oversee the strategic development and delivery of a broad range of communication and advocacy activities and a Communications Assistant to help connect the dots across our busy team. Get both job descriptions here.

Another nail in the coffin of ‘Global Britain’

Daniel HarrisGlobal development

‘DFID’s demise is another nail in the coffin of Global Britain’ – DHA managing director and former ministerial special advisor, Daniel Harris reflects on the end of an era. 1997. A new government department. DFID. Global Britain. That day in May, we walked into the Victoria Street building and, if the civil servants had had hats, they would have thrown …

Don’t mention the war

Jon FlinnCoronavirus

Could ‘careless talk’ really cost lives? Jon Flinn looks at the language of the virus as lockdown eases in the UK Back in the war – the proper one – a whole series of propaganda posters promoted the message that ‘careless talk costs lives’. The confused content of Boris Johnson’s statement relaxing lockdown measures earlier this month may yet prove …

DHA clients past and present stylised as a transport map

DHA at 20

Daniel HarrisDHA

DHA Communications turns twenty this year. Daniel Harris, Managing Director, reflects on two decades in the business. The truth is, when you create a business, you can sort of make up your own rules.  Ours have been all about social and policy change – sometimes campaigns, but mostly about building the bridge between those who make decisions or provide services …

Aisle in supermarket with near empty shelves

In it together?

Jon FlinnCoronavirus

We’re heading into week 6 of lockdown and Jon Flinn (DHA’s Director of Communications) is reflecting on whether we really are all in coronavirus together… Neighbours standing on their doorsteps to clap the NHS every  Thursday night are probably not all acting out of purely altruistic motives. Afterall, who hasn’t felt a warm and cosy fug of togetherness in the …