A classroom in Sierra Leone with a girl in the front wearing a white blouse, blue skirt and a big smile while she reads from a textbook

Safe, inclusive, quality learning in Sierra Leone

Jon FlinnGlobal development

Sierra Leone’s education system has been impacted by several major emergencies in recent decades – from civil war, to Ebola, to COVID19. Yet its actors are committed to delivering improvements in education outcomes, specifically in terms of attendance, performance, safety and inclusion. Leh Wi Lan is part of the Sierra Leone Secondary Education Improvement Programme II (SSEIP II), which is …

Infographic explaining maternal health trade-offs in India

Promoting value for money in healthcare resourcing

samGlobal development

DHA worked with the International Decision Support Initiative (iDSI) Secretariat, a network of global health experts. We helped them to articulate the importance of value for money in healthcare resourcing across the world for funders and potential country partners, as well as the process of how to do it. In 2016 we developed a communications strategy with the team and …